Valve Interlocking

Valve Interlocking

Valve Interlocking

Valve interlocking enforces and guarantees a pre-defined sequence of operation, and therefore eliminate human error. They are used as an industry standard by renowned companies to create a safer working environment.

They are used in many applications where safe and ‘first time right’ valve operation is required, such as pressure relief valves (PSV), pig launching and receiving, inert gas systems, pump start up, flare lines, boiler blow-down, ‘2 out of 3‘ and decoking.

Exclusive Distributor of SOFIS Smith Interlocks & Netherlocks for Australia and New Zealand


Our manufacturing partner, SOFIS, manufactures valve operation systems such as mechanical valve interlocks, portable actuators and valve position indicators. It is the world’s largest interlock manufacturer, providing bespoke design solutions that protect people and property throughout the world.

Teksal Safety is the Australian and New Zealand distributor for SOFIS Smith Interlocks (formerly Smith Flow Control) and SOFIS Netherlocks valve interlocking and process safety systems, and supports Sofis’ complete range, including supply, installation, commissioning and training services.


Inquiries about Our Products

For more information about any of these products, call 1300 TEKSAL or email